Desert Dragon
All life is future to past.

click the images.
Feats & Powers
Sun Seeker Name: U'ralhana Odh
Moon Keeper Name: Osha Tayuun
Name given to self: Vaste Valescoere (Vast / Vah-st | Vah-le-skho-air)
Blood Type: O -
Height: 5'2 / 157 cm / 6.8 span
Weight: 250 lbs / 113 kg / 17 stone
Build: Solid muscle noticeably bigger than the average laborer or warrior with biceps that crush an egg, a body clearly toughened by a lifetime of combat ref 1. ref 2. ref 3. ref 4.ref 5.ref 6.(excluding major scarring due to being continuously reset)
Age: 23
Birthday: May 8th | 8th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Pronouns: She/Her + He/Him (Non-Binary)
Sexuality: Lesbian

Race: Half Sun Seeker & Moon Keeper Miqo'te
Handedness: Ambidextrous (Right hand before Hydaelyn's blessing 'perfected' her body thus granting her equal control with both hands)Languages: Eorzean Common, U Tribe Huntspeak (HC as Zulu and is referred to as Zulu by U Tribe members who take insult at it being called Huntspeak), middle grade reading and writing, some Hingan phrases, Echo understanding of all languages
Soul: Current living incarnation of Ardbert, Warrior of Light on The First, has absorbed pieces of Ardbert's fellow WoLs/WoDs through his residual memory and encountering their souls | Demi-Primal/ 蛮神 (Banshin ie. Savage God) after taking in Hydaelyn's essence on first contact | She is the Sundered fragment of the Ascian Thanatos, the incarnation of the concept of Death and 14th Seat of Azem

Weapons: Long Fang (spear) & Short Fang (dagger); when referred to together they are called Rondo

Likes: The color orange, Pudding, Sour Pork Belly Stew, Baths, Getting enough sleep, Dressing nice, Practicality, Food, Being understood, Fishing, Feeling loved, Strong people (martially and in spirit), Open spacesDislikes: Being powerless, Violence, Pointless cruelty, Forests, Feeling enclosed, Greed, Egotism, Anything overly complicated, Lies & Lying, Overwork, Rich People, Plain Lettuce, Being dirty, Cowards

Fractured by rage and horror towards the world and herself. One moment she may be a detached butcher, another an absentminded stoic, and another a warm friend wearing sad eyes. Manipulation after manipulation has all but emptied any humanity she once held in the presence of her handlers. Outside of their business she continues giving the impression of a blank slate; afraid that showing emotion would have it turned against her. Inside she is wracked with self loathing and endless guilt warping all memories and every action within her present. Despite this those who treat her humanely receive equal kindness and a helping hand without complaint. There remains wonder in the world and a need to do right by others in spite of darkness. Like an instinct, at her core lies unbreakable resolve.Honest and brimming with humility to a fault, she will often refuse to lie out of principle and poor skill, unless a situation calls for it. This ties into her strong sense of responsibility that stands against making excuses or avoiding reflection on one's actions. It is only through receiving love that the path toward earnest cheer and gentle strength reopens. Not beneath but alongside her capacity for abject cruelty, is a childlike drive for the warmth of others.If she is not under her usual dissociative spell during battle allowing her to preserve some sanity, her heart screams in pain at the callous barbarism all humanity possesses.

YUGIRI "MISTWALKER"Born in Sui no Sato under the Ruby Sea, a village protected by the blessings of revered spirits. Yugiri has been outspoken and adventurous since childhood, leading her to sneak away several times for a glimpse at the forbidden outside world. On one of these trips she ventured too far inland, and found her first sight of war. Doma had recently been conquered, plundered, and enslaved under the Garlean Empire. Hiding in the ruins she met the young ousted prince who shared her age, Shun, who as a man would become Hien.His stories convinced her to return home with the goal of attempting to return with help. Instead her parents and people grew furious, and not long after she choose to be cast out forever. Had Sui no Sato made itself known in any way, it was feared outsiders would raze it to the ground. Upon her exile she returned to Doma, throwing herself into training to both serve Doma's resistance, and influence the wars of the world against touching her home.When leading civilians to the safety of Eorzea after the resistance was shattered, she sought the Scions for help. Thus she met the Warrior of Light. They did not immediately connect but felt an amicable pull that in time grew to mutual respect. Ultimately the core of Vaste's kind selfless nature touched Yugiri's compassion; she gradually fell in love. She is fiercely loyal to her, and through Vaste's example she begins determining her own path, reforged under what she chooses for herself. In the end, walking away from the dark mirror of Doma's reemerging sins.She is compassionate and driven as she is wrathful and vindictive. Often in the pursuit of wanting justice and goodness, she is ruled by emotions and blind to a selfish desire to play hero, to be the final word. Despite this she sits with her flaws when accepting them, and would gladly give her life alone if she deems it what is right to do. This has already paid her back tenfold, when her attempted sacrifice against Zenos yae Galvus inspired the Doman people to topple their Garlean masters, while their King Hien did not take such a first step.

U'RAHTALO ODHVaste's immediate older sister by a year. They were inseparable as children, even compared to their closeness with other siblings. Fun and teasing yet also sensitive and practical, Vaste sought to imitate her as the ideal role model with whom she could share her heart; an influence that later shaped her relationship to their younger brother, U'ingwe. In her presence all strife is washed away. Can be quite fickle and fast acting when troubled. Not afraid to ask for help.
U'THULANI ODHShares U'rahtalo's age. A boisterous thrill seeker and spontaneous, she prides herself on being among the best of the best within the village. Often she takes initiative on hunts of any game hand in hand with defense of the homelands. Be it through talk or action, she is as quick-witted and blunt as her heart is free and mind open. A summer breeze. Traditional despite her carefree appearance, but can make exceptions.

U'NKANYEZI TIAOlder than U'thulani by a year; eldest of the siblings. He is a popular candidate for succeeding his father as Nunh, acting to everyone's expectation despite feeling unsure on the matter. It is not only his reasoning and strength but willingness to help others which digs him deeper into the popular vote. Composed and level headed on the surface, he has kept his silly humor, kindness, and childhood willingness to break conventions if it would comfort a loved one or is worth change.
Youngest of those siblings close to Vaste, being only sixteen. Attentive, ambitious, and a touch rash, he is unafraid of boldly advocating for new ways if they sway him. Because Vaste looked out for him against bullying when they were younger, she became both role model and inspiration, giving him courage and a voice. An imprint of the compassion and cheer she believed lost lives within him.

Father of Vaste and other children born after seizing the title of Nunh from its previous owner. Born and raised within the U Tribe, he sought to claim the power of leadership and mating rights which his people assigned together within their position of Nunh. He recognized quickly upon coming of age that he would be no match for the ruling Nunh of his youth in a contest. Instead he left his ancestral home, traveling Eorzea while searching for experiences which would strengthen him.This quest led him into the burgeoning Company of Heroes, who made their name as the only people insane yet brave enough to slay Primals for a living. Primals, by their nature sucking the land's aether dry then tempering any mortal who approached, slaughtered or warped the minds of countless comrades into hollowed, worshiping slaves. Through the unending carnage he relied on mentors such as Wheiskaet and their leader, Lorens as if they were his fathers. After slaying only two Primal incarnations however, Titan then Leviathan, the Company's human losses were too great, and the order was disbanded having achieved what many considered impossible regardless.Having trained and survived the impossible, U'odh returned to Forgotten Springs a full man, ready for his promised title. He defeated the then Nunh with ease using not only strength but his tremendous cunning. Shortly after his ascension the city state of Ul'Dah discovered ancient ruins on U Tribe lands. This led to the establishment of an Immortal Flames outpost to protect scholarly expeditions, and once again within their people's history, increased trade from outsiders.With traders came entertainers not far behind for the long days trekking endless desert. In this way Oghii Tayuun drifted into U'odh's life while following the troupe caravan she'd taken up with. They fell under a mutual fleeting passion and none were surprised when Oghii was soon pregnant. The day she gave birth at the turn of summer, U'odh presented her a choice. Either take the child and return north, or stay and raise her together. Before he could open himself to a third option and before their daughter had ever tasted milk Oghii departed alone, repulsed by the imperfection she had created mixing with Sun Seekers.Wounded and pitying, U'odh took in his child, watching as she was raised into U'ralhana.

The no-nonsense and witty proprietor of the Carline Canopy.
Despite her outer sass paired with a sharp eye, she fusses over the well-being of all but the most rotten of souls who cross her path. People may find warm meals and cold drink under her roof regardless of race or circumstance, especially if they have nothing else. Having no tolerance for her city's stubborn xenophobia, bigots regardless of station are cut to pieces by her biting temper. She has overseen countless adventurers who come and go from the guild; continuing her grandfather's spirit in building community through teamwork, communication, and integrity.Her kindness, pragmatism, and wisdom have given her the moniker of 'Mother' by many both within New Gridania and throughout the Twelveswood. She adores carline flowers, for which her inn is named, as they are the beloved flower of a deceased family friend. Her favorite drink is tea; she has a talent for her famous eel pies.When Vaste enlisted in the Adventurer's Guild she was treated with the same care and measured critique as any others would find. The more Miounne realized however the extent to which Vaste struggled adjusting to not only demoralizing Gridanian life, but any life beyond a frontier tribe and family, she became vital to her survival. After the mind rape at Hydaelyn's mental contact Miounne nursed Vaste's health at no cost until she stabilized. Even after, she continues keeping her closest eye both on Vaste's person and her exploits. A wall now stands decorated in the Canopy's kitchen covered in paper clippings of Vaste's publicized deeds.She once made the mistake of burying a dead Vaste after she took her own life during the recovery stay. Miounne stood aghast in the middle of her mourning prayers, when Vaste again walked dirtied through her door. Though neither has ever said it directly, they nurture a bond like mother and child between them.

If you'd like a more condensed and even less graphic summary please inbox/DM me @desertdragon on Tumblr and I will happily provide one if this bio is damaging to your mental health. -ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WOL CANON DIVERGENCE-
TO OUTLINE THE KEY POINTS OF THIS AU: See this postTWs: Suicide, war, self harm, passing racism toward a mixed person, passing reference to mental torture/violation that imitates rape without physical contact, invasive body procedures mention, child killing mention, manipulation/abuse
Born as U'ralhana Odh to U'odh Nunh and Oghii Tayuun of the U Tribe and Moon Keepers respectively; she was abandoned by her mother, a traveling entertainer, days after birth out of fear of responsibility and ultimately deciding she resented having a mixed child, no matter how much of a physical resemblance there was. Her father raised her in his tribe's communal society thereafter. The spear has been honed to an extension of herself since she was six years old.Despite the social standard toward skepticism of the unknown and pride above most else, Odh expressed some pity for her beside his deep love in small displays of emotional affection. She grew up among many siblings but bonded most with U'rahtalo and U'thulani, older sisters, U'nakanyezi the eldest son and her eldest brother among their siblings, and U'ingwe a much younger brother. Through their influence she developed a sensitivity and touch with emotional vulnerability uncommon to most.In large part however she internalized the grander lessons and traditions of their culture, pushing herself to overcompensate often due to the loud few who othered her for her appearance and not knowing her mother; culminating in her first kills in her coming of age trial as a huntress. This incident gave her a scar across her nose bridge, and awakened both her killer instinct and crisis upon realizing she disliked it. For several years she did her utmost to fit as the ideal Huntress, Warrior, and member of society. Her limits were broken and raised further. Though this perfected her skills, and despite the love of those who did care for her, she realized nothing she did gave her the completion she craved.In the end she chose to leave forever on her twenty first nameday in search of a proper place to belong. The shock brought the celebration of her nameday feast to a halt into confusion and some outrage. She took the consequence of banishment from her tribe under her father's mandate as furthering her resolve. From this event she renamed herself Vaste Valescoere using ancient words she liked the look of off a note on the skeleton of a soldier from a (unbeknownst to her) Garlean ruin site among the rubble of the desert, and set out into the world.

After weeks traveling and stumbling through the city-states with her poor Common, she settled in New Gridania. There she was welcomed and aided by the city's educators to improve her language skills, including finally learning reading and writing. When she reached an adaquate level of stability she enlisted in the local Lancer's Guild. Some months later began her life as an adventurer for hire.During a job two months into her new trade she encountered a strange glowing crystal. Upon touching it she was rendered unconscious and pulled into an audience with the Crystal Mother, Hydaelyn. The goddess named her a Warrior of Light and triggered her awakening to Echo, a power rarely granted to mortals. Her soul and body's makeup were reached into and drastically changed through Hydaelyn's manipulation.The process was an intense probing, as her soul was restructured piece by piece and seemed to last an eternity robbing her of control with no escape. For some time she was confined to the Carline Canopy under Mother Miounne's care and was largely unresponsive. To the present day she never speaks of it save to a select few, and even then it takes a toll.She gained a superhuman body in every respect, the Echo and its universal ability to see into the past at random, as well as its worst side effect- immortality.Within the day once she returned to consciousness members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn took interest. In time she felt pushed into their service as no other organizations had the knowledge she needed to understand what'd happened to her.In addition to being bound into their servitude, the Scholars among them measured her body through experiments. Memories of Hydaelyn's violation flooded her each time leading to panic attacks or isolation before and after; the pain of that trauma kept her from communicating it, so she endured.Under them she became forged into being given the mantle Warrior of Light by the people. Her nigh godly prowess in combat combined with infinite resurrections should her body perish made her the perfect weapon against the land's enemies.
Seeing no way out she continued service with the Scions. Her exploits in and out of battle began a heel turn toward toppling the Garlean Empire and liberating its colonies. Despite this she herself saw only a grim reality. The soldiers she fought with were often no less savage than their enemies upon Garlean conscripts or civilians. Both armies raped, pillaged, and slaughtered down to infants across every campaign. The Scions placed her firmly in the domain of a tool rather than a person. She continued on emotionally neglected, her sanity cracking in places, and her indifference toward humanity unnoticed. All that was required was that she shut up and do as told. Kill whoever as told. For nearly two years she continued this way.

No matter how many or what exactly she killed there came no release. No release in the form of death, nor pardon to lay down her spear, no release in a network of healthy relationships. She stood alone as a beast to slaughter monster and man, women, elderly, and children no matter how or why. They all fell snuffed out like fire before her might. There was a time where to ease the pain she gave in to her base craving for battle, it was a tool for self harm as much as it was stress relief. Outside the field pointless suicide attempts and further social shutting out were her poor coping mechanisms. She no longer considers herself worthy to attempt returning home, nor carry her old identity even as she longs for it and her family as time passes.She has nowhere to go, and no one to be.
Eventually her priorities she placed in finding a method to permanently die. Though she maintained her usual duties beneath the facade all her time went toward this goal. When no methods could be found she instead imagined if she recruited a successor, they may take her power instead leaving her mortal once more. A young man was found by the Doman scouting parties she requested her lover, Yugiri Mistwalker, to send in secret. In her time training Gan Arulaq however, she realized the selfishness of her reasons and regained more of her humanity when he became her first friend. She left any thought of killing herself and avoiding atonement behind.
The pair instead decided at Vaste's lead to change goals altogether. Instead of seeking her death they'd charge straight for the divines that cursed them. Hydaelyn and any other gods, Primals, Ascians, or others claiming divinity would be destroyed. Mankind too had long since proven with magic it indulged greater destruction alongside its mechanical constructs. The corruption of the world should be shattered back toward a foundation of love. All that heals would be given greater space to stand against the vices of human nature. They would break the world to save it.

In search of methods to aid them they came across four others who were likeminded toward their cause. Each of them were wronged by circumstance finding no good fortune repaying their former faith. For some magic has directly caused their hardship and sin; together they named it their responsibility to change the world for the better, no matter it's protest. This fellowship they named the Guardians of Time, for time is the most precious gift mortals have.
During her return from The First, Vaste betrayed the Scions and abandoned several of their key members in that realm until her mission is completed. If they died, so be it; if they lived, they would return to a world that cast them into irrelevance. With them out of the way her group may work to penetrate the Lifestream and absorb Hydaelyn and her contemporaries through Her connection to Vaste, thereby temporarily gaining enough power to alter the fabric of reality. Once that is done Vaste's powers and magic will be no more; in their place a world where mortals determine their own fate.However, in the near immediate aftermath of this takeover and the release of Venat who bound Hydaelyn into existence, the subsequent release of power rippled through the universe. As Vaste assumed a new omniscient form the Endsinger raced toward the source of its disturbance. It prepared an evaluation then destruction, as it had for countless civilizations over the millennia. Instead with its presence sensed, it was pulled into a void fueled by both Vaste's will and the collected consciousness of humanity bound to their new transcendent Primal. There it reverted to its original core, Meteion, and the two engaged in a final act. A dialogue as bearers of suffering.Without throwing a single punch Meteion's heart was again made whole; the Endsinger cleansed from a cycle of despair. Willing her wishes into reality Vaste stripped all ability to destroy life or create for destruction from magic. By casting off all power returning to a wholly mortal form so too was the threat of any Primal existence removed, finally granted rest and dissolution.

In the aftermath of this grand plan the Guardians of Time would disband; its members remain friends going their separate ways. Vaste marries her love Yugiri and the two settle into a domestic life within what was once Doma. There they abandon their violent pasts for peace, atonement, and pacifism. Their three children grow up without knowing the horrors their parents once did as children should. Along with her armor and spear Vaste would also abandon her name as the Warrior of Light, reverting to simply Ralhana, a contented nobody.Despite this however, their peace is disturbed the older their children become. From birth some other villagers harbor lingering distrust, confusion, and spite seeing rare mixed race children able to exist. Over a handful of years this prejudice grows and begins to be taken out on their oldest, Yoshino, which confuses and upsets her much the way similar treatment tormented her father's upbringing. Yugiri asks they leave for the sake of their children which Ralhana knows is not a choice made lightly.Before they can be corrupted any further they move across the sea, into Thavnair. Settling in a nation with a history of overcoming ethnic differences for co-existence, they are able to find better peace of mind. They continue as farmers before expanding into some business as tea crop sellers and through Yugiri's stonemason trade; their youngest son Yoshitsugu inherits his mother's workshop upon her retirement.At thirty years old Yoshino feels fulfillment in herself, a family of her own, and managing life in Thavnair- but has forever wondered about her heritage. Her parents have always stayed quiet on where they came from and whatever they did before she arrived; instead passing on the unique languages and dialects they spoke, the lullabies sang to them as infants, or the foreign proverbs they imparted wisdom with. She and her brothers were told one day they may meet peoples far, far away who would speak exactly what they spoke if they ever came across each other. That they must remain in some way connected to a part of them through what they know.Though she has put it from her mind getting caught up in the flow of life she refuses to any longer. After a few months of preparation she leaves Thavnair on a search for her lost family. In finding them she discovers far more about what she is capable of, her family's cultures and stories, and with her brothers confronts their parents on their pasts.
Stopped Garlemald's attempted conquest of Eorzean city-states
Destroyed and sealed all trace of the Coils fueling the Primal Bahamut
Ended the 1000 year Dragonsong War and dismantled Ishgard's corrupt theocracy for peace between dragons and mortals
Liberated Doma and Ala Mhigo from 25 years of Garlean oppression and colonization
Reversed the Light Flood on a parallel world called The First; destroyed the mass murdering Ascian Emet-Selch in the process
Confronted then destroyed the Endsinger putting Meteion to rest thus saving the universe from The Final Days; killed Zenos viator Galvus in a duel at the edge of the galaxy (Alternate timeline where she participated in the events of Endwalker)

Power | Description | AoE |
Absolute Body | Limitless physical ability and stamina; cannot be hurt by anything less than Primal Killing Weapons (upgrade of previous form for this ability after absorbing all five Warriors of Darkness) | Self |
Aether Manipulation | Control and generate aether force from environment or living things; can break down any living thing back into raw aether then consume them | All |
Control Immunity | Cannot be mind controlled or possessed, due to being claimed by Hydaelyn and own force of will | Self |
Disease Immunity | Immune to all manner of poisons, illness, and diseases | Self |
Echo | Immortality (resurrects and regenerates upon death), understands and can communicate in all languages, can see the pasts of individuals, can predict incoming attacks by reading their aether flow | Self |
Enhanced Roar | Sub-ability of having an enhanced body; can project voice or yell/scream loud enough to shake or destroy the environment, or liquefy a living thing | Situational |
Exceptional Pain Tolerance | Can endure levels of pain that would leave most on the brink of death; can still feel pain if hit with enough force, as well as internal pains | Self |
Power Bestowal | Permanently alters the aether of those with whom a close connection is forged over time; grants said person(s) supernatural ability and elemental control, will grow stronger with each near death survived | Unlimited |
Underwater Breathing | Can breathe underwater indefinitely as if it were air, due to being blessed by the spirits of the Ruby Sea | Self |
Unrestricted Movement | Can move effortlessly and without restriction in any environment and under any conditions ie. Standing upside down in the air, moving on shifting floors, walking up a cliff, running on water, "flying" by continously jumping or moving once with enough momentum etc. | Self |
Vacuum Adaptation | Will survive in the vacuum of outer space, the Lifestream, aetherial planes, and extreme blasts of aether | Self |
Weapons Master | Mastery over spears, sword and shield, axes, all aiming weapons, and knowledge of magic; all but spears inherited from Warriors of Darkness | Situational |
Night Vision & Enhanced Strength, Stamina, and Reflexes | Racial traits gifted from both parents. Moon Keepers are capable of seeing in near total darkness, while Seekers of the Sun possess greater natural strength, as well as exaggerated reflexes and stamina. | Self |

Headcanons:(Full here there's simply too many in too much detail to list with bullets)
I give artists permission to draw Vaste's likeness so long as I and the FFXIV game are credited
@nylokim Firstborn and Daughter of Vaste and Yugiri, Yoshino (this character is dark skinned, but I hadn't decided on that change when the art was commissioned)
@mizuwara / Lanvryia Saturnii of Hyperion
Reference Sheet
Pose Sheet
Expression Sheet
8 bit Vaste sprite
8 bit Vaste holding spear
Vaste & Yugiri affection sprites
Danganronpa 8 bit Vaste
Tysm 💖Sprites by Me(^ imitating SNES Final Fantasy titles & Danganronpa)
© Final Fantasy XIV. All rights reserved. Images by credited artists and @desertdragon.